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Full Service Management


Full Service Management

Being a successful landlord is something that must be achieved overtime. Yes, of course you can take classes and exams that teach the basics of the business. But the most useful lessons are gained from experience. In property management, every day and every tenant is different. Landlords must be prepared to use creative tactics for addressing different issues. This is one of the strongest advantages that you gain when hiring a seasoned property manager like BeachOne Rentals. With over 2000 executed leases in the books, our broker and leadership team has experienced it all!

Here are some of the things that our team can do for you!

New Tenant Process:

Property management can be a tough, time consuming task, especially if you do not live locally. Here at BeachOne Rentals, we strive to provide prompt, personalized service to all of our customers and clients.

When you are ready to list your home on the long term rental market, a licensed Realtor or Property Manager from BeachOne Rentals will schedule a time to speak with you to gather all of the details of your property. We will take pristine marketing photos that will be uploaded to, along with several other websites across the internet, including the mls.

All inquiries will be directed to our office, where a team member will pre qualify prospective tenants and schedule a showing. A licensed Realtor or Property Manager will meet the prospect at the property and show them around. During this time, the leasing agent is able to get an idea of what they are looking for in a rental. If the property they are viewing does not fit their needs, we oftentimes have another available property that they are interested in.

The prospective tenants must submit a written application for anyone that will be contributing to rent. Our company requires:
  • Criminal Background Check
  • Credit Check
  • Gross income of at least 2.5-3 times the rental rate (depending on inclusions)
  • Excellent rental History with NO evictions
The Property Manager will review the application and give the preliminary approval or denial. The leasing agent will then contact the owner for final approval or denial.

We will contact the tenant with the decision and coordinate the process to move forward. A security deposit will be collected and deposited into our escrow account to be held until move-out.

A lease agreement will be drawn up and sent to the homeowner for review. Once approved, the lease will be sent out to the tenants for signature. A thorough move-in inspection will be scheduled and completed. BeachOne Rentals will require that the tenant provides confirmation that any required utilities (electric, water, gas) have been transferred before releasing keys.

Monthly Rent Collection:

Monthly rent collection can be a tough task. When tenants hit a hard time financially, it can be difficult to stand firm with your late fees and eviction policies, especially if you have built a personal relationship with the tenant. This is where hiring a property manager comes in handy. We will take the emotions out of being a landlord and will enforce the policies that you have outlined in the lease agreement. If a situation does arise, BeachOne Rentals will contact you to review the details. We will work together to find a solution.

Owner Payments:

On or around the 10th day of each month, BeachOne Rentals accounting department will send your owner payment via direct deposit or paper check, depending on your preferences. Along with the payment, you will receive a full statement of accounting showing all income and expenses.

HOA Violations:

Many neighborhoods in our area have an homeowners association governing the development. BeachOne Rentals will provide the tenant any rules and regulations relevant to their residence. If a warning or violation is issued, notify our office immediately and we will contact the tenant and collect any fines that have been incurred.

24/7 Maintenance:

Addressing maintenance requests can sometimes be a full time job. Between finding vendors, gathering quotes, coordinating appointments, and paying invoices, it can quickly become overwhelming. BeachOne Rentals has a dedicated 24/7 maintenance call center that will assist with troubleshooting and coordinating maintenance at your properties. We have a full list of vendors that we have worked with in the past, so we are able to expedite the process of addressing your tenants requests to ensure your property is taken care of. The vendors will send the invoice directly to BeachOne Rentals and we will bill the homeowner. The expense will be reflected on the monthly statement so that it can easily be accounted for when it’s time to file taxes.

Periodic Inspections:

No matter how great your tenant is, it is always good practice to periodically inspect your rental property. This gives you a chance to be proactive in caring for your property. Periodic inspections benefit the owner and the tenant. We recommend inspecting quarterly for the first year of the lease and biannually thereafter. Our agents and employees are trained to complete detailed inspections and will document any and all concerns. We have also found that periodic inspections help to ensure that your tenants are abiding by the occupancy and pet terms as outlined in the lease. If any maintenance is noted, a representative of BeachOne will contact you for approval to address the problem.

Lease Renewal:

Our standard lease agreement requires that a 30 day notice be given to terminate the lease at the end of the lease term. In order to help tenants to stay in compliance with this clause, BeachOne Rentals begins the renewal conversation 60 days before the lease end date. We will contact the owner and then pass along the offer to renew or the notice to vacate to the tenant. Our property manager will ensure that we receive the signed renewal. You can find lease date information anytime from your owner portal.

Move-Out Inspections:

If you or your tenant decides that it is time to part ways, BeachOne Rentals will coordinate the move-out process. We will schedule a move-out inspection that will be used for comparison in order to determine the security deposit deductions.
The charge for any damages that were caused by the tenant and are are above normal wear and tear will be deducted from the security deposit. Legally, we have 30 days from the tenants move-out date to notify the tenants of any deductions and return any balance of the security deposit.

Security Deposits:

When an applicant is approved for a property, our company requires that a security deposit is paid by certified money order or check; typically, within 24 hours of approval. That security deposit will be deposited into our escrow account and will not be touched until after the tenant moves out.


Unfortunately, sometimes life happens and an eviction is unavoidable. Luckily, BeachOne Rentals can handle these situations as well. Per our standard lease agreement, rent is due on the 1st of the month and considered late after the 5th. While late fees do begin accruing as of the 6th, we also reserve the right to begin the eviction process immediately if rent is not paid by the 5th. All evictions are processed formally by the magistrate and BeachOne hires a private process server to help expedite the process.


If your tenant leaves owing a balance, BeachOne Rentals will assist with collecting that debt. If the debt is still not paid, we have an advanced system that helps us locate new addresses for the tenants. We work closely with a third party collections agency that will help with collecting the debt. All unpaid collections will be reported to the credit bureaus.
Click below to learn more about each of our services and contact us today!

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